Power Tools 1993 November - Disc 1
Power Tools Plus (Disc 1 of 2)(November 1993)(HP).iso
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New! System Support Options Program
The HP System Support System Support Options
Options program offers you Availability
and your customers basic Support options represent a
hardware and software combination of hardware and
support for HP systems, software support for an HP
peripherals and stand-alone product or an installation
software applications. service. The following table
illustrates the deliverables of
System Support Options each support option.
improve the warranty
response time, and give Option OS0 Option OS1
customers basic software -- License to use software updates -- License to use software updates
support services. -- Updates* -- Updates*
-- Electronic access -- Electronic access
Tailor-Made for Selling -- Next day on-site repair -- 4 hr. on-site repair
System Support Options fit Option OS2 Option OS3
your sales process. If you quote -- Telephone support -- Telephone support
and order HP products, you -- License to use software updates -- License to use software updates
already know how to sell -- Updates* -- Updates*
support options. Key program -- Electronic access -- Electronic access
features include: -- Next day on-site repair -- 4 hr. on-site repair
* Includes one copy of media and documentation updates for each media and doc. product ordered.
* Quoted and ordered as a
product option Option OS4
* One option gives you -- Installation and network configuration for customer installable products
recommended hardware/ Option OSZ
software support -- Network configuration for HP installed products
* One-time prices on the CPL
* Options available for
installation and network
* Quota credit and commission
on every sale
Support Options Features
Feature Delivery Specifications
Warranty upgrade Support services are added to the product warranty to provide either next-day or same-day (4 hour)
on-site response for hardware problems.
Next Day 4 Hour
Coverage Hours 8 am--5 pm 8 am--9 pm*
Mon-Fri Mon-Fri
Response Time Next Best response; not
exceed 4 hours
* If service is requested before 5:00 pm, an HP engineer will respond on-site within 4 hours, if an on-site
call is necessary.
On-site repair An HP engineer travels to the customer site and provides all labor, parts and materials necessary to
maintain hardware products in good operating condition. Product malfunctions and failures are
diagnosed and corrected.
Telephone support Unlimited, toll free access to the HP Response Center is provided for authorized callers. Response is
immediate for critical calls and within 2 hours for all calls.
License to use software updates Customer can use and copy updates to HP software on each system covered by HP System Support
Updates As HP releases updates to HP software, the latest revisions of the software and reference manuals
are made available to the system manager. HP provides one copy of media and documentation updates
for each media and documentation product ordered with HP System Support Options.
Electronic access HP SupportLine provides electronic access to a database of current product and support information.
Includes new product information, software status bulletins, engineering and application notes, etc.
HP SupportLine can also be used to submit Response Center calls.
Installation/network configuration Option OS4 provides installation and network configuration for products whose purchase price does
not include installation. Option OSZ provides network configuration for products whose purchase
price includes installation.
Selecting the Appropriate Option
Select HP System Support Systems Peripherals
Options based on your know- To select the appropriate option, For System peripherals, select
ledge of the customer's support follow these steps: the option that provides the
needs. Follow these basic steps: desired response time for repairs
1. Determine the customer's (next-day or 4 hour). In general,
1. Select the customer's hard- desired response time for select the same option as you
ware, software and peripherals. repairs (next-day or 4 hour). chose for the system.
2. Determine the customer's 2. Determine whether the Stand-Alone Software
support needs. customer has an existing Applications
response center caller set up For stand-alone software
3. Select the applicable who will be calling for applications, select options as
Support Options to meet support of the system being follows:
the support needs. purchased.
Select Option OS2 or OS3 for the
HP System Support Options are If NO, select Option OS2 first copy of the application.
available for systems, associated or OS3.
peripherals and stand-alone Select Option OS0 or OS1 for
software. If YES, select Option OS0 additional copies.
or OS1.